
Buying Property With Someone Else – Considerations for Property Co-owners

Buying a property with someone else is a great way to share the fun, stress, and cost of the venture. Often people buy a house with their significant other, to make a home or invest together. Others buy property with friends, relatives or business partners. Joining forces with someone else can increase your borrowing power, … Read more

Avoid Nasty Taxation Surprises in Family Law Settlements

There are significant differences in the tax consequences of certain family law related actions particularly when negotiating property settlement outcomes – the cutting of the cake! Unique opportunities in the family law environment can enable a couple to lawfully restructure wealth while avoiding, or minimising, the hefty tax and revenue consequences. Conversely, concluding a family … Read more

The Top 5 Myths About Family Law Property Settlements

Most people know someone who has been affected by a family breakup. It is usually a very stressful and emotional time when people are anxious about the divorce, the property settlement and the emotional wellbeing and care arrangements for children. Unfortunately, this is reflected in a great quantity of inaccurate statements, often regarded as fact … Read more

The importance of financial advice in a family law property settlement

Most property settlements are reached through negotiation, without going to court. Negotiations can be formally documented through a binding financial agreement or consent orders. As a last resort, the parties may need to initiate court proceedings whereby orders will be made regarding the division of the parties’ property. No matter how a property settlement is … Read more

Do you have a business partner? Then you need a Partnership Agreement!

A Partnership Agreement is a contract between all the partners in a business and outlines each partner’s duties and responsibilities, governs important matters that arise from the business, procedures for making business decisions and how to resolve disputes among partners. The relationship between business partners can deteriorate if they do not understand their duties, roles and obligations. This is … Read more

Buying a business? Some handy hints…

So you have found a business and you have your heart set on buying it. Or maybe you work for a business that looks like it is being sold. Congratulations that’s great news! However, before you rush off to hand over the purchase price or greet the new owner of the business you need to … Read more

Changes to Employer Sponsored Visas (Subclass 482, 186 and 494)

From 1 July 2023, the Temporary Skilled Income Threshold (TSMIT) will increase from $53,900 to $70,000. TSMIT is the minimum salary that must be paid to a sponsored employee to obtain a temporary skilled visa in Australia. With the rise in interest rates, the cost of living and the high inflation rate, this is the Government’s … Read more

First Home Buyer Assistance Scheme

From 1 July 2023, the First Home Buyer Assistance Scheme (FHBAS) has expanded wherein the transfer duty exemption threshold for new and existing home purchases by eligible first home buyers will increase from $650,000 to $800,000, and the concessional rate will increase from $800,000 to $1 million. Customers who have opted into FHBC will continue to pay property … Read more

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